Translated from the French by John Coakley Lettsom (1787) John Coakley Lettsom (1744 – 1815) was a prominent eighteenth century Quaker, physician and philanthropist. He founded the Medical Society of London in 1773, the oldest medical society in England, and was one of the founder
The Post Boy Robb’d of his Mail
The Post Boy Robb’d of his Mail or the Pacquet Broke Open, consisting of letters of Love and Gallantry, and all miscellaneous subjects in which are discover’d the Vertues, Vices, Follies, Humours and Intrigues of Mankind Restoration era rake, ‘wit of the present age’, and
Research Strategy 2014 – 2019
Research Strategy 2014 – 2019 Introduction The Trustees wish to encourage research into all aspects of Layton and his Collection. This document suggests the areas of research in which it is most interested. Bibliography A bibliography of the books and articles which embody research about
Middlesex smallpox hospital poster
Inquiry into the proposal to acquire a Middlesex smallpox hospital, 20 September 1906. This poster has survived amongst Layton collection and may well have been part of his working papers. It symbolises the ambition of local authorities in the Victorian and Edwardian to provide public
Interior of the late theatre Drury Lane
Interior of the late theatre, Drury Lane built by Henry Holland Esq, destroyed by fire 24 February 1809. This theatre had been rebuilt after a fire in 1804. The playwright and MP, Sheridan, who owned it at the time of the conflagration, hurried from the
17th century maps of the Caribbean
Two maps of the Caribbean by Philip Lea, globe maker of Cheapside, London, printed on one sheet of paper. Lea was active between about 1680 and his death in 1700.The upper map shows a wider area of the Caribbean and the lower shows Jamaica with
Lease of land in Brentford for a charity school
This deed, numbered 17805 in the collection, records a land transaction in 1725. The 98-year lease was taken by a group of men from Brentford and Kew who were effectively the trustees of the charity school. A transcript of the full text follows: This Indenture
Examples of Early English Pottery
Layton acquired reference books about objects as well as the objects themselves. This fine example, about early English pottery, was published in a limited edition of 500 copies in 1891. The embossed cover design uses the style of lettering from Staffordshire slipware, especially that of
The Life and Times of James Catnach
The Life and Times of James Catnach by Charles Hindley, published by Reeves & Turner: London, 1878. Layton Collection no 1588 Layton was interested in the kind of chap books with rhymes and woodcuts which Catnach produced and there are several volumes about him in
Lives of famous London beggars
Lives of Famous London Beggars with Forty Portraits of the most remarkable drawn from life by John Thomas Smith, published by Diprose and Bateman: London. Layton Collection no 1196 Layton’s collection includes several books recording the appearance and lives of comparatively ordinary people. This is