The Layton Collection

The Trust is registered as The Layton Collection, charity number 801711.

Our charitable objects are as follows:

  • To promote the education of the public in the objects of natural history, archaeology and science by the public exhibition of a collection of objects, specimens, books and prints of antiquity, natural history, art, archaeology and science, and
  • the extension, enhancement, conservation and maintenance of the said collection


The trustees meet regularly to oversee the care and management of the collection

From May 2022:

Councillor Junue Meah
Jon Cotton
James Marshall
Councillor Rhys Williams
Councillor Salman Shaheen
Janet McNamara
Howard Simmons
Robert Meldrum (Treasurer)
James Wisdom (Chair)



Participants in a web training day for Layton’s Legacy workers and volunteers, and Brentford & Chiswick Local History Society committee members, Feb 2007

This group worked on the collection and on the web-site during the HLF-funded project:

Val Bott
Sally-Ann Coxon
Paul Fitzmaurice
Christine Hayek
Jennifer Hunt
Janet McNamara