The Trust is registered as The Layton Collection, charity number 801711.
Our charitable objects are as follows:
- To promote the education of the public in the objects of natural history, archaeology and science by the public exhibition of a collection of objects, specimens, books and prints of antiquity, natural history, art, archaeology and science, and
- the extension, enhancement, conservation and maintenance of the said collection
The trustees meet regularly to oversee the care and management of the collection
From May 2022:
Councillor Junue Meah
Jon Cotton
James Marshall
Councillor Rhys Williams
Councillor Salman Shaheen
Janet McNamara
Howard Simmons
Robert Meldrum (Treasurer)
James Wisdom (Chair)
This group worked on the collection and on the web-site during the HLF-funded project:
Val Bott
Sally-Ann Coxon
Paul Fitzmaurice
Christine Hayek
Jennifer Hunt
Janet McNamara